The Vision

Our goal is to enable employability and a means for the poor to earn a living and plan to achieve this through strategic partnerships and alliances with organisations having similar objectives and leveraging a range of applications, technology platforms and innovative solutions.

We are also support the poor through provision of the immediate needs – food, water, clothing, medicines and vaccinations, support and welfare to the under privileged individuals, children and families particularly in deprived areas.


To attend to the very immediate and primary needs of the underprivileged and socially disadvantaged by providing and distributing food, water, clothing and medicines to deprived neighborhoods

To provide education and training for under skilled, unemployed and disenfranchised youths to enable employment and a source of income for survival

To use a range of applications, technology platforms and innovative solutions to drive effectiveness, operational efficiency, measurable impact and provide insight for effective distribution of aid and support.

To use data collected from the ‘who, when, where, what and the how’ support was provided as a means to provide insight and make informed decisions to aid more effectively and efficiently .